
The trendy copycat: Botas Hunter

No es exageración decir que prácticamente tod@s l@s que pasáréis por este blog sabéis de qué hablamos si decimos Hunter, porque ya hablamos de ellas aquí, y porque estas botas de agua son ya archiconocidas en el mundo fashionista y fuera de él.

Sin embargo... ¿seríais capaces de distinguirlas de una de las múltiples copias que les han salido esta temporada? Hagamos la prueba... así, a bote pronto... just for fun...! Eso sí, ¡no vale googlear! ;)

We won't exaggerate by saying that almost all of you that visit this blog know what we are talking about if we say Hunter. And that's not only because we already focused them here, but also because these rainboots have won a reputation in and out the fashionista world. But... would you be able to distinguish them from one of their 'replicas' this season? Let's check it with a little quiz, just for fun... so don't google! ;)

Enjoy your style*!

6 comentarios:

  1. Jajaja, muy bueno el post!! Yo ya he votado, ya veremos el resultado :)

  2. he votado por la dos... pero tienes mucha razón, apenas se nota la diferencia


    @ Con un par de... tacones!!

  3. I absolutely love your blog topics, but unfortunately dont understand it, is it possible to maybe do some in english? xxx

  4. Thanks, Nena! Actually, every post has an english translation in purple, but if you english-speaking readers feel it's not enough, please keep commenting as we might add more english contents soon! xx

  5. Ah I never saw the purple lol (blonde) sorry!

  6. No worries! I'm afraid it happens to many other english would-be readers. Was that what you expected or still too short? xx


Thanks for commenting!